Scientific and Digital Marketing Agency

DOI Deposit - CrossRef

What is it?

A DOI, or Digital Object Identifier, is a sequence of numbers, letters and symbols used to exclusively identify an article or document. This identifier is expressed through a permanent web address (URL).

A DOI will help your reader to easily locate a document from your citation. Think of it as an ID number for the article you're quoting - it will always refer to that article, and only that article. While a web address (URL) can change, the DOI will never change.

Request DOI Deposit


  • Requirement required by relevant indexing bases;
  • Improvement in articles metadata import process;
  • Improvement in the process of quoting articles in the journal;
  • Greater quote traceability;
  • Important for altmetric data collection;
  • Metadata publicly available and accessible via API by information systems;
  • Increase in the journal credibility;
  • Greater interest for authors;

How we work

To file DOIs, your journal needs to join a registrar agency such as CrossRef. In this institution, association can be direct or through a sponsoring member, such as GeniusDesign. Sponsoring members provide all the technical support necessary for a correct deposit of object metadata (articles, publications, etc).

Associated with CrossRef, your journal receives a prefix to identify the publication or institution and is entitled to make deposits through the sponsoring member.

We work with proposals from 20 digital objects for deposit. If your journal already has a prefix, we will carry out an administrative process with CrossRef to assume your publication deposits and, thus, start the deposits. If you don't already have a prefix, we will provide everything for your journal.

Complete this form to request a DOI deposits  proposal.

Solicitação DOI

Preencha o formulário abaixo para que possamos analisar sua demanda e gerar uma proposta.

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GeniusDesign Marketing Digital e Científico

GeniusDesign Marketing Digital e Científico

+55 . 21 . 96418-9728

CNPJ: 27.339.106/0001-70