What is it?
OJS, an acronym for Open Journal System, is a free software developed by the Public Knowledge Project - PKP (international “multi-university” initiative) to manage peer-reviewed academic journals. It manages the entire submitting process, evaluating, editing and publishing scientific articles.
The benefits of using OJS as an editorial management tool are diverse.
- automation of scientific journal publishing activities;
- faster flow of information;
- integration with DOI - Digital Object Identifier, thus giving greater journal visibility;
- improvement in the quality of journals evaluation;
- dissemination and preservation of the journals’ contents;
- exempt from licenses and usage fees;
- possibility of hosting several journals in a single system (journals portal).
How we work
GeniusDesign is able to carry out the OJS system entire implementation for your journal, either on your institution's own server or on our own cloud solution for hosting journals.
By hiring our team to implement your electronic journal in OJS, your journal will be available online in a few days for the editorial team to start configuring it and registering all the necessary information. You can also receive it fully configured, creating sections, customizing the layout, configuring plug ins, registering editors and even previous editions.