Scientific and Digital Marketing Agency

Scientific Disclosure


What is it?

Scientific disclosure aims to bring scientific knowledge to non-specialized audiences, thus contributing to science popularization. The term can be confused with scientific diffusion, but they are different things. While the first aims to bring research results to non-specialized audiences, the second refers to results dissemination to specialized audiences.

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The scientific journal that invests in scientific dissemination contributes significantly to scientific education, and can inspire other people to pursue a scientific career. By being present in non-conventional research channels, such as social media and blogs, it gains greater social notoriety, which can contribute, albeit indirectly, for other researchers to know the work published by the journal and being interested in publishing it.

How we work

The scientific diclosure's main goal carried out by GeniusDesign is taking the scientific production of the journal to non-specialized audiences present in social media, especially Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. This way, we create content based on the journal's scientific production and adapt the content language to promote it on social media.

We also develop institutional blogs for journals to publish scientific dissemination texts produced by our team, based on the works published in the journal.


GeniusDesign Marketing Digital e Científico

GeniusDesign Marketing Digital e Científico

+55 . 21 . 96418-9728

CNPJ: 27.339.106/0001-70